Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I am Alive!

I know that it has been a while since I posted, but I have been very busy and tired. I don't know exactly what has caused my tiredness. It started when I came back from Cropical Paradise and I think that it has taken me this long to get over it, which has been about 2 weeks ago. By the way we all had a ball at Cropical Paradise, but lost a lot of sleep. This was the first time that I had been to a scrapbooking retreat out of town and now we are checking out others that are not that far to go to. Anyway, I have been busy with getting our Mission Crop together at church (a fund raiser for our foreign mission team), our women's ministry (which I am part of a group that is putting things together for women), and getting together our monthly crop at the church. If anyone wants to come to either just let me know. On top of that I carried our newest addition; our dog, Gracie, to be spayed last week. So things around here have been very busy, but I am making myself take the time to post. Sorry, I will try not to be so long the next time that I post.

Michael has one more class left in school and he will be finished. YEAH!!!! He will graduate in Dec., thank goodness. Now I think he has his sights set on bigger fish, like maybe a master's, we will see. I think he needs a break first, he has worked so hard on this and had many a late nights. Speaking of school, the kids have started back to preschool. They are having such a good time, but I am realizing that this is Morgan's last year at preschool then we start regular school and this is something I don't know if I am ready for. I think she could care less, but I am not ready to see my oldest baby go through those big doors yet. Oh well, I have one more year, so I will make the best of it.

Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

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