Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A New Day

I just want to say PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I am saying this because I have been going through some things in the past few days that the enemy has tried to use to take me down and control me. But it is not working, thanks to God, my husband, and a few friends. We have a choice everyday when we wake up if this is going to be a good day or a bad one. I believe that God would have us to choose the good one. We need to remember that no matter what is said about us or what is done to us that God is always right beside us, guiding us through every valley and up every mountain as long as we take the time to listen.

I am currently reading two books; "The Love Dare" and "Facing Your Giants". While I was reading last night in the "Love Dare", one of the first things that it says is to be patient. Now how hard is that? For me, quite hard, I am not a patient person at all. In fact these are the three paragraphs that spoke to me last night:

If your spouse offends you, do you quickly retaliate, or do you stay under control? Do you find that anger is your emotional default when treated unfairly? If so, you are spreading poison rather than medicine.

Anger is usually caused when the strong desire for something is mixed with disappointment or grief. You don't get what you want and you start heating up inside. It is often an emotional reaction that flows out of our own selfishness, foolishness, or evil motives.

Patience, however, makes us wise. It doesn't rush to judgement but listens to what the other person is saying. Patience stands in the doorway where anger is clawing to burst in, but waits to see the whole picture before passing judgement.

Now let that soak in for a moment. Patience makes us wise. That's one way of putting it, but it got my attention. When we look at the bible God tells us so much about being patient, so why don't we get it? That's probably what He is thinking too. Sometimes we let our anger get the best of us and then we make a mess of things, when if we would just sit back and listen and be patient things would be a lot better off and we might get along a little better in the world. How many times have we all had someone trying to explain things to us or explain why they feel the way they do and instead of listening we burst in with our own comments or we go straight to the defense? I know that have stuck my feet in my mouth and chewed on them only to decide how awful the taste was one too many times. So I am asking God to give me His patience and His ability to listen to others and most of all self-control over any situation that arises.

Thank you, God for this new day that you give us and thank you for the choice that you give us every day.

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Fish

If you have read my profile you will see that we now have 4 fish instead of two. The reason being that we have had to have another fish funeral Sun. night for Morgan's fish Rojo, which has been sick for sometime and Sun. God took it home. For those of you who are laughing, I know that it is funny having a fish funeral, but when you have a little whose is upset because her fish has died and she misses it, just remind yourself how we feel when someone close to us dies. Even though we know that God has healed them in His way we still hurt and so do the little ones. Rojo was something that Morgan was close to and she lost him, so of course he had to be replaced. Well Michael has outdone himself again, by bringing another fish home plus a new fish tank. Not just any ordinary fish tank would do and not any color of fish would do, he brought home a Mermaid fish tank and just the color of fish she wanted, blue. Well the new fish is now named Nemo2 because we have already had a Nemo whose has since passed and gone to fish heaven also. So now what do we do with the old fish tank? Well, we put it in the bathroom which is decorated with an aquatic theme anyway and we got two goldfish, which the kids have named Cinderella and Little Daddy. Can you guess who named which fish? So there you have it our newest additions to our pet family.

Proverbs 20:7
The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Very Blessed

We've all the heard the old saying, "You can tell how blessed you are by the number of friends you have". That being said I have now realized just how blessed I truly am. Monday was my birthday and I thanked God for all that I have in my life; my husband, children, family, and friends. Last Friday night was a dream come true for me. I had my first girls night out and they all helped me to celebrate my birthday. We went to a movie and dinner afterward, which I had to wear a crown and a button that said it was my birthday. We had a ball! God is putting all sorts of women in my life and they are quickly becoming my friends. This is something which I have never had. I never trusted any female person that came into my life because of being hurt by them in school, now it seems that they are becoming something that I can't imagine my life without. I know that we all take things for granted from time to time, but maybe we all need to take time to tell our friends just how special they are to us. True friends are the ones that you can tell them that they are getting on your last nerve and they don't get mad. I have learned that when you allow God to work on you from the inside out it tends to make you a better person all the way around. I guess my mamaw was right when she always told me "pretty is as pretty does", she was definitely in touch with God on that one. I know that it is hard to open to things that have hurt you in the past, but God knows what they are and He can help you get over those hurts, it's just a matter of laying it at his feet. Give Him the bags and let Him tote them not you, you will realize what a weight has been lifted off you. I am so glad that I have my girlfriends (I've always wanted to say that) and I am so thankful of what they mean to me and that I allowed myself to be opened up and used by God. I have posted of picture of Friday night, keep in mind that it was taken with a cell phone and no I don't have the one made with the crown on my head. Thank you girls (you know who you all are) for coming into my life.